Developing Web Applications Using Node.js Training
2 days (10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern)
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Subjects Covered
Setup Requirements
Course Details
Developing Web Applications Using NodeJS is a two-day instructor-led course that teaches students how to build server-side web applications using open source JavaScript frameworks and powered by NodeJS.
Students will learn how to create and test modern web applications and APIs using open-source JavaScript modules, NodeJS, and MongoDB.
Subjects Covered
Developing Web Applications Using Node.js
- Setting up Node.js and Other Essentials
- Installing Node.js and NPM
- Launching Node.js Scripts
- Node.js Basics and Syntax
- Node.js Core Modules
- Handy Node.js Utilities
- Node Package Manager
- Installing a Package
- Global Packages
- Updating Packages
- Creating Packages
- Using Express.js to Create Node.js Web Apps
- Installing Express.js
- Express.js Scaffolding
- Setting Up Folders and Configuration
- TDD and BDD
- Installing and Understanding Mocha
- TDD with Assert
- BDD with Expect.js
- Persistence with MongoDB and Mongoskin
- Installing and Running MongoDB
- Data Manipulation from the Mongo Console
- Native MongoDB Driver for Node.js
- Main Mongoskin Methods
- Boosting Data with Mongoose ORM Library
- Installing Mongoose
- Mongoose Schemas
- Mongoose Models
- Relationships and Joins
- Express.js + Mongoose = True MVC
- Using Sessions and OAuth in Node.js Apps
- Authorization with Express.js
- Token-Based Authentication
- Session-Based Authentication
- Node.js OAuth
- Building Node.js REST API Servers
- RESTful API Basics
- Test Coverage with Mocha and Superagent
- REST API Server Implementation with Express and Mongoose
Before Taking this Class
Advanced JavaScript ProgrammingSetup Requirements
Software/Setup For this Class
Text Editor
Onsite Training
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