What’s the Pre to the Process?
CSS pre-processors have been gaining traction for the past several years. Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) has been around since 2006. So, what is a CSS pre-processor? It is a dynamic stylesheet language that extends the functionality of CSS, . . . [more]
Hamburger icons, used to indicate a mobile menu, are everywhere these days. This simple, three-lined visual (reminiscent of a hamburger bun with the meat in the center, thus the name!) is the universally-known symbol for a menu. Our Logical Imagination site uses one - if you are readi . . . [more]
Don't Shoot the Messenger
OK, first the disclaimers: I am not saying there is no place for showing and hiding content using JavaScript/jQuery. I am merely saying that doing so can be causing you more problems than necessary. And yes, I do generally follow best-practices by having content . . . [more]