Don't Shoot the Messenger
OK, first the disclaimers: I am not saying there is no place for showing and hiding content using JavaScript/jQuery. I am merely saying that doing so can be causing you more problems than necessary. And yes, I do generally follow best-practices by having content . . . [more]
Audio is an important part of effective e-learning, but using audio in Articulate Storyline can be a challenge. Have you ever had multiple layers with timelines that run at the same time, and each layer contains audio? This causes the audio from the layers to play at the same time! Or, hav . . . [more]
During student introductions at a recent User Experience Foundations class in Boston, an executive announced, “I’m here to see what this user experience fad is all about.”
Many fads have come and gone in the business world. Consider Og Mandino’s “The Greatest . . . [more]
HTML Tables - The Bane of Responsive Design
HTML5 and CSS3 have tools to handle almost all content gracefully on any screen size. Almost any design can be achieved with smooth reflow for every device. The largest exception (and biggest headache for web developers) is the venerable HTML ta . . . [more]
When you want learners to pause a slide in an Articulate Storyline project, you have two options.
Use the seekbar on the player.
Build custom navigation that includes a play and pause button.
The seekbar on the Articulate Storyline player is an easy way for learners to play, pause . . . [more]
Hamburger icons, used to indicate a mobile menu, are everywhere these days. This simple, three-lined visual (reminiscent of a hamburger bun with the meat in the center, thus the name!) is the universally-known symbol for a menu. Our Logical Imagination site uses one - if you are readi . . . [more]
I have been teaching Microsoft Office since the suite was first released in 1990. The big question? Could Microsoft pull computer users away from the most popular products of the day: WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3 and Harvard Graphics? They could. They did.
In the world of computer training, t . . . [more]
Recently I was working on a .NET Core project for a client who wanted the application hosted on SSL. Further, for SEO purposes, they wanted the application to automatically redirect requests for to the www subdomain - i.e.
I was thri . . . [more]
As with most innovations, it all started with frustration. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love ASP.NET Core MVC. But since the original MVC release, I have been enormously frustrated with the way that links and redirects are generated.
@* in a Razor view *@@Html.ActionLink("View Detail . . . [more]
Who, whom, and related words like whoever and whomever are notorious for causing difficulties. How do you know when to use one or the other? Learning to recognize when the word is being used as a subject (who) and when it is being used as an object (whom) is the key to choosing the correct . . . [more]
This is the second in a series of articles describing a powerful design pattern that provides several application services in a convenient form while also encapsulating a high-level description of the application's functionality. The first installment gave an overview of the pattern as wel . . . [more]
What’s the Pre to the Process?
CSS pre-processors have been gaining traction for the past several years. Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) has been around since 2006. So, what is a CSS pre-processor? It is a dynamic stylesheet language that extends the functionality of CSS, . . . [more]
This is the third in a series of articles describing a powerful design pattern that provides several application services in a convenient form while also encapsulating a high-level description of the application's functionality. The previous installment saw the creation of classes for each . . . [more]